Society is sick

The backlash to the London riot's has begun in earnest. Everyone is crawling out of the woodwork, to offer their opinion. Some of these opinions are constructive and merit consideration, whilst others are downright malicious and inflammatory. These responses, will do nothing to address the current societal inequality and unrest. Now we will see the fragmentation of society escalate to new heights. Those at the bottom of society, will feel the pressure even more so than before. Expect vitriolic attacks on whole sections of society.

Divide and conquer, as the old adage says. Whats the best way to control a society? By creating anger and dissent among differing sectors of said society. What does this achieve? a breakdown of cohesion, of strength in numbers. What members of the public see as themselves expressing free speech or opinion, is in fact manipulation. Media coverage, government edicts, all serve to isolate and blind us from the real sickness that pervades our society.

This sickness can not be relegated to just small pockets of society, but society as a whole. We are all sick. We all play a part in the shaping of our society, every thought, action and reaction contributes. Society is a collective thing and as such each small part of said society adds to the fabric of the complete entity. Judgement, bitterness, egoism, fear, blame, selfishness, and greed. These are the afflictions to be found in Britain today.We can shake our heads and say no not me, I'm different, I'm evolved, I'm not a Biggot, I am aware.

But when you look at that young black man, your gut reaction is fear. Does he have a knife, is he going to rob me? Or when you see a young girl with a baby and pushchair, you think I am better than her, she is young, probably a single parent, no dad, she'l raise a criminal which; I will end up paying for. It goes both ways. Look at that rich man in his posh car, I bet he thinks he's better than me. I bet he  has holidays all the time and doesn't know what it means to struggle. Look at that girl who has everything, I bet Mummy and Daddy give her everything, she doesn't know what it means to go without. All these thoughts are energy, expelled into our environment, silently collected, harvested and manifested. And so the mistrust and resentment grows into the epidemic that we have on our hands today. 

We are basically shitting on our own doorsteps and then complaining when we find ourselves covered in shit! Having trawled the internet today, it is safe to say my predictions  of yesterday are already exploding across the internet. Take Stephen Mains's epetition saying that all convicted rioters should lose government support. Is this really the answer? What happens if this petition to strip rioters of their benefits is actually implemented, what will these people do? Will they think "I had better stop now, or I'l get into more trouble." Of course not! they will be desperate, stripped of all basic needs, and descend even further into the criminal underworld.

 If there is nothing more to be taken from these individuals, their attitude will simply be, what more can you do to me, the answer is nothing. Futility breeds contempt, these individuals will not feel compelled to participate in or uphold societal values and laws, rather they will do everything they can to display their rage and hatred at the existing establishment, the symbol of their oppression. This is prolonged mental, emotional punishment. If the environment one live's in is already like a prison, what can be a worse punishment than the day to day struggle for survival.

Here are my two cents, for now, but I have plenty more to say on this subject.


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